Let’s play Willow!

Willow for the NES was released in 1989 by Capcom and is loosely based off the movie of the same title. This game is an action-RPG, which means you get to hack and slash enemies while leveling up, making Willow stronger so he can defeat even stronger enemies.

Object of the game: Guide Willow through the land in order to restore Fin Raziel to her human form and defeat the evil sorceress, Bavmorda, while collecting weapons, shields, magic spells and special items. Willow uses these items to defeat tough enemies and bosses and also to progress through the game.

It is a long game, considering the fact that you must level up in order to survive the game’s later battles and the maps can get confusing at times if you’re not familiar with the game. But overall, it’s an enjoyable game to play nonetheless.

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