Hyrule Needs Your Help!!!

One of my absolute favorite games, the Legend of Zelda was released in North America for the NES in 1987.  Even to this very day, this video game series is widely popular with fans both young and not so young.

Object of the game:  Guide the hero Link through Hyrule equipped with his trusty sword and other collectible items as you search for pieces of the mighty Triforce of Wisdom. Once all 8 pieces of the Triforce are collected, Link must defeat the evil Ganon and rescue Princess Zelda.

This game is awesome! It has a vast world to explore, lots of weapons/items to collect and a variety of enemies to battle. For a game with simple gameplay, the Legend of Zelda provided much entertainment and challenge for NES fans worldwide.

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Can You Help Clear Roger Rabbit’s Name?

Who Framed Roger Rabbit, released to the NES in 1989 and based on the widely popular movie, is an action-adventure mystery game that takes place in the 1940’s.  You control detective Eddie Valiant with goofy, yet lovable Roger Rabbit following alongside him.  Your goal is to find the 4 pieces to Marvin Acme’s missing will in order to clear Roger of murder charges and defeat the evil Judge Doom.  The player will take Valiant and Roger through the streets and caves of Hollywood as well as Toon Town, searching high and low for clues leading them to the pieces of the will and collecting a variety of items/weapons along the way. This won’t be an easy whodunit as the crafty and crazy weasels and other enemies try to get in your way.

This game was quite challenging, especially the final duel against Judge Doom. It can sometimes be a chore at the beginning of the game trying to get every item in addition to Acme’s will (which is necessary to beat the game).  Or you can use this all items (and will) code:  L L H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H 3 B

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Destroy Jason…if you can!

Released by LJN for the NES in 1989, Friday the 13th is an action-horror game that tests your skill and nerves of steel.  Your goal is to use 6 counselors (3 male, 3 female) and search for and kill Jason Voorhees while protecting the children of Camp Crystal Lake and each other. Along the way, you will pick up weapons and items to aid you in your quest to destroy Jason. You also get to fight his mother (well, a medusa-like head version of her, anyway…lol).

Having played this game years ago, I will say this game is very challenging, especially since Jason gets faster and stronger each time you deplete his energy gauge.  You must survive defeating Jason 3 times in order to beat this game. Good luck…

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Super Mario Bros. 3……Super Popular Game!!!!

One of my personal favorites, Super Mario Bros. 3 was released for the NES in North America in 1990.  This game was first seen as a promotion in the movie “The Wizard”. From that point forward, SMB3 became the third best selling game of all time for the NES.

Object of the game: Play as Mario or his brother, Luigi and jump, run, swim, or fly through 8 worlds filled with stages of non-stop platform action. Your goal in each world is to collect magic wands from Koopa’s kids in order to restore the kings of each world back to their human form. In World 8, you face Koopa in order to rescue the princess and win the game! In addition to the fire flower (granting the bros. fireball shooting abilities), the player can collect new power-ups such as the raccoon leaf (gives you a tail attack and flight abilities), frog suit (easier swimming abilities), and the P-wing (infinite flight abilities until you take a hit).

This game is totally awesome! Great challenge, lots of content to engage in and catchy music. All aspects needed to make a successful and enjoyable NES game…

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Your mission: Destroy Metal Gear…

Snake’s Revenge, one of Metal Gear’s unofficial sequels, was released by Konami in 1990 for the NES.

Object of the game: You play as Solid Snake (yes, you know him from the Metal Gear Solid next gen console games) and use his expertise in martial arts and stealth to infiltrate the enemy strongholds with the goal to fulfill his mission of destroying the nuclear missile armed walking battle tank known as Metal Gear. Snake collects lots of weapons and support items as he makes his way through enemy bases, a cargo ship and a train and faces many challenges along the way.

This game is awesome as it tests your stealth skills and management of weapon/item usage. Great music and graphics for an NES game. A must play…

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Take to the skies in Captain Skyhawk

Captain Skyhawk, released by Milton Bradely in 1990, is a scrolling shooter game where you pilot a fighter jet. Your mission: to shoot everything in sight, drop off supplies to scientists, or rescue scientists as you repel an alien invasion. You are equipped with rapid fire guns, hawk bombs and missiles and you must use them wisely as you battle the alien forces across nine action-packed missions.

As a military brat with my dad being in the US Air Force, this game brings back memories of when I wanted to be a jet fighter pilot. Captain Skyhawk has plenty of action to keep you on your toes with enemies around every corner. There wasn’t a whole lot of music in this game, but the music that was in it was pretty catchy. And beating the alien mother ship at the end gave a lot of satisfaction after many game hours of accidently bumping into the walls in various levels…lol.

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Asmik’s Conquest of the Crystal Palace

Released in 1990, Conquest of the Crystal Palace is an action-platform game about a prince named Farron, who sets out to destroy an evil king named Zaras and regain rightful ownership of the Crystal Palace.

Object of the game: Guide Farron and his faithful dog companion, Zap through 5 action-packed stages while defeating evil creatures along the way. Armed with a sword and fireball magic, Farron contends against an assortment of undead creatures and tough bosses. But don’t worry, his friend Kim is there to sell any items he needs (and give interesting news reports and weapon explanations along the way).

This game is one of my favorites. Great level and character designs, catchy music and just the right amount of challenge for an NES title. And who could forget Farron and Zap’s victory dance when they complete a stage, huh???

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Dashing Through an Alien Asylum

Here is an NES game that a lot of people probably don’t know about. Dash Galaxy in the Alien Asylum, released for the NES in 1990 by Data East, is an action-platform game with some puzzle elements to it.

Object of the game: Guide Dash Galaxy through an alien world where the levels are divided into several sub-stages per level. The goal is to reach the top of the asylum. In order to access some of the levels, Dash has to use his puzzle solving skills and move blocks out of the way and destroy force fields that sometimes get in the way. The stages are numbered and if you manage to cover the numbers on the stage with blocks, a special bonus level will open up where you can collect bonus items, including extra lives.

In the sub-stages, the player controls Dash as he searches the levels for switches in order to open the door to complete the stage. This is no cakewalk as there are alien enemies and tricky jumps to prevent you from achieving your goal. You must dodge all of the enemies since Dash doesn’t have weapons to fight them (well, you can collect and use bombs, but if you’re in the vicinity of the blast, it will kill you!!!) And you must complete the stages/levels before your oxygen life bar runs out! Besides switches to collect to complete the stage, you also collect stars which can grant you temporary invincibility if enough are collected as well as oxygen flasks to refill your life bar, hearts, which grants extra lives and question mark icons that allows Dash to skip levels if he finds the hidden door in the stage he collects it.

Interesting but fun game even though it doesn’t have the best graphics, music or gameplay.

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Let’s play Willow!

Willow for the NES was released in 1989 by Capcom and is loosely based off the movie of the same title. This game is an action-RPG, which means you get to hack and slash enemies while leveling up, making Willow stronger so he can defeat even stronger enemies.

Object of the game: Guide Willow through the land in order to restore Fin Raziel to her human form and defeat the evil sorceress, Bavmorda, while collecting weapons, shields, magic spells and special items. Willow uses these items to defeat tough enemies and bosses and also to progress through the game.

It is a long game, considering the fact that you must level up in order to survive the game’s later battles and the maps can get confusing at times if you’re not familiar with the game. But overall, it’s an enjoyable game to play nonetheless.

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