Who remembers River City Ransom???

River City Ransom, released by Technos Japan in 1989, is an action game with RPG elements (yes, you can strengthen and customize your player). I remembered putting in a lot of play time with this game. Very cool game!

Object of the game: Guide the high school students Alex or Ryan (or both as a 2-player co-op) through their city while fighting off gang members and their boss leaders in order to rescue Ryan’s girlfriend, Cyndi. You collect money from defeated gang members in order to purchase food, medicine to boost your base stats. The coolest part is you can purchase Techniques which improves your character’s fighting moves. Dragon Feet, anyone???

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Blast your way through the galaxy in Defender II

For fans of space shoot ’em up games, there’s Defender II for the NES. Originally called Stargate, this game was released in the 80’s on several different gaming systems.

Object of the game: Fly your spaceship through space while protecting the humans from alien invasions. You are armed with a laser blaster and bombs that kill everything on screen (but you only have a limited number of them). You score points for each alien you destroy and each human you save when an alien attempts to abduct them.

For a simple designed game, it is surprisingly addictive when working towards beating your highest score.

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Heroes In a Half Shell….TURTLE POWER!!!

This game was hard as heck, but a lot of fun to play.  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT) was published by Konami (under the Ultra Games label) in 1989.

Object of the game: Traverse 6 vast levels with Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo, and Donatello equipped with their signature ninja weapons and sub-weapons to defeat the evil Shredder and rescue their Master Splinter and April O’neil.

Challenging levels, cool music and just an all around great game!

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What a Horrible Night to Have a Curse!

Konami’s Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest, released in North America for the NES in 1988, was the first game in this incredible franchise that I ever played.

Object of the game: Guide Simon Belmont through Transylvania to collect Dracula’s 5 body parts (Rib, Eyeball, Heart, Nail and Ring) and revive Dracula long enough to kill him (wow, go figure). And you do this while killing a host of deadly monsters by wielding an upgradable mystic whip and using other fascinating sub-weapons (yes, you can carry more than one in this game unlike in Castlevania I, which gives for a more customized experience).

It’s a long game, but a lot of fun. You can level up and collect hearts to purchase items. Some people didn’t particularly care for this game, but if it wasn’t for this game, I believe Castlevania: Symphony of the Night for the Playstation and games after that wouldn’t exist the way they are today…Castlevania_2_NES_ScreenShot2 Castlevania_II_Simon's_Quest_(screenshot) castlevania2-9 castlevania2-27 Castlevania-II--Simon-s-Quest_title

The Wonderful World of Q*bert

One of the first puzzle games I played back in the 80’s, Q*bert for the NES is based off an arcade game that came out in 1982 by Gottlieb, but later also published by Parker Brothers, Ultra Games and even Sony Online Entertainment.

Object of the game: Make Q*bert jump on a pyramid setup of blocks, making them change to the target color of each level. And you must do this while avoiding the enemies that try to get in your way. But you have spinning discs on the side to help save you from danger. Very challenging, but a lot of fun!40070-q-bert-nes-screenshot-q-bert-has-been-hit-by-an-enemy Q_Bert_NES_Title

Hello world!

My name is KMG aka retroNESGamerkmg and I am here to talk about one of my personal favorite subjects, the Nintendo Entertainment System (or NES for short). On here, I will talk about some of my favorite games that I’ve played in the 80’s, 90’s and even to this very day.  You’ll see some trivia or facts that you may or may not have known about during the NES era. I will also post pictures and videos of some of the games from back in the day. So let’s get started!!!!